5 Tips to manage mastitis and blocked ducts

5 Tips to manage mastitis and blocked ducts

herapeutic Ultrasound can be used to help clear blocked ducts. The Ultrasound machine transmits heat into the deep tissues of your breast which helps to break up blockages in your milk ducts into smaller parts. Ultrasound therapy is also thought to have an inflammatory effect and these benefits are still being studied. It is very important to feed or express 30 mins after the treatment as it can unclog your ducts and then continue to feed frequently from the affected side to prevent further blockages from occurring. Generally, we advise three ultrasound treatments over the course of three days for the most relief!

Considering a pregnancy massage? Here's what you need to know!

Considering a pregnancy massage? Here's what you need to know!

Hello there! You must be pregnant, know someone who is, or are preparing for the beautiful journey that is pregnancy.

You might be wondering when a good time would be to start treatments such as massages, what the benefits and contraindications would be, how it all happens?

Read on for a thorough guide to what you should consider before booking in for your pregnancy massage treatment.

Blog by our wonderful Myotherapist and Remedial Massage Therapist Stefanie Iverson.

What to expect from you visit to a pelvic floor physio

What to expect from you visit to a pelvic floor physio

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is a very specific and specialised field of Physiotherapy, with a particular emphasis on not only optimising pelvic health, but also general wellbeing.

In the initial consultation with your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist, you can expect that your Physiotherapist will take a comprehensive medical history from you and may ask specific questions relating to your bladder/bowel/sexual and obstetric history. They will also ask what led you to making the appointment, as well as what your goals are for Physiotherapy. This will all help with individualised and holistic treatment planning.

Perineal massage: preparing the pelvic floor for birth.

Perineal massage: preparing the pelvic floor for birth.

We often see athletes preparing for a race by stretching their muscles to avoid tearing. Well why not take a leaf out of their book and do the same to prepare the body for birth? Massaging the perineum at the end of pregnancy can help you prepare these muscles for the sensations of stretch and pressure which will be experienced as the baby passes through the birth canal and may help to reduce the incidence of severe tearing.

Running after birth

Running after birth

You will probably come across a minefield of  conflicting advice surrounding return to ‘high impact’ exercise after birth from your obstetrician, GP, personal trainer, Google and Instagram; So… who should you listen to and what is the truth?

Thanks  to a fantastic bunch of physios and academics in the UK - we now have a comprehensive, evidence and expert-based guideline to ensure we can give you advice which has a solid and reliable basis.  

And  while we found it an absolutely riveting read (not joking), we are guessing that you probably don’t want to (have time to) trawl through 40 pages of research so here are the “take home” points.