Benefits of a regular bowel motion

Never underestimate the benefits of a regular bowel movement!

 Bowel dysfunction is a common, but often silent problem- be it constipation, difficulty completely emptying, faecal incontinence (difficulty/inability to control bowel movements), haemorrhoids, lack of control over wind, prolapse, or a combination of the above. Many people often find bowel dysfunction embarrassing to discuss, so suffer for months or years before seeking treatment or advice.

There are many factors that can affect your bowel movements, but key factors to help maintain healthy stools are adequate fibre intake, regular exercise and adequate hydration.

Your “normal” bowel routine may change over your lifetime, but we commonly see women who experience significant changes pre or post natal, as well as in the peri and post-menopausal stages.

Below we share three top tips for a healthy bowel movement!


Get your knees higher than your hips! Sitting bolt upright on the toilet just won’t cut it. The rectum is like a pipe with a kink, and once your knees are up, you unkink the pipe, making the emptying process easier. You can use a stool to do this if necessary. 


Take your time and allow your muscles to relax Trying to rush will often result in straining or incomplete emptying. The perfect moment to empty your bowels is “when you feel the call”. If possible, try not to delay, as the urge may pass and not return for many hours, which is not ideal.

Pushing- Yes or No?

You should not feel as though you have to strain or breath hold to empty your bowels. Breath gently, relax your stomach muscles and gently bear down. If you feel you are straining or struggling to empty without straining, see your GP or pelvic health Physiotherapist for an assessment.

Thank you to Jacqui Perry, Physiotherapist, for producing this blog.