To our valued clients. We are thinking of you all and hope that you remain safe and well.
Throughout the period of ’Stage 4 Restrictions’ in response to Victoria’s current State of Disaster there are certain guidelines around the access to healthcare.
Physiotherapy during stage 4 restrictions
We are open for face to face care if you meet the following criteria:
- Your condition is at risk of worsening without treatment or if treatment is delayed
- Your condition, without treatment or delay in treatment, may lead you to see a doctor, attend an emergency department or require specialist input.
All other routine appointments should be attended via TELEHEALTH.
If you require specific advice on whether your condition warrants face to face care, please call us on 93379125 and we can provide you with more individualised advice.
We are very conscious of the impact that pelvic health and pregnancy related conditions can have on mental health and wellbeing (especially in the current environment) so we strongly encourage you to discuss your situation with us if your physical symptoms are causing you any psychological distress.
Please note you do not require a medical referral to receive physiotherapy care.
Stage 4 Restrictions and Seeking Care and Health Care
Under current Stage 4 restrictions guidance, individuals can leave their homes to seek ‘care and health care’ – this guidance does not specific a geographical limit:
The guidance states:
· You can leave home to receive health care or attend medical appointments. If you need to see a doctor or health care professional, you should do so. Do not put off getting medical care.
We recommend you have access to your appointment confirmation email/SMS in the event you are asked for proof of your reason for travel.
Workplace policies
Our workplace is in operation under the guidance of a COVID-safe work plan and our priority is to keep our staff and clients safe and well.
Please note - all patients are encouraged to attend appointments alone. Others may join the appointment via telephone/video. If you require a carer or are the carer of a dependent then these circumstances can be discussed individually.
We advise you to arrive no earlier than your scheduled appointment time, you may wait in your vehicle if you do arrive early.
If you are unwell, awaiting COVID19 test results, are a close contact of a confirmed case or have tested positive to COVID19 or are in isolation for any other reason we thank you in advance for not attending.