Who should be on my birth team?

Who should be on my birth team?

During pregnancy, there is so much preparation to do and information to take in. As a part of your pregnancy, having a support team to champion you/your baby’s needs and help you navigate through pregnancy, birth and motherhood (and beyond) is vital. 

A pelvic health physiotherapist is an essential part of your pregnancy team to ensure that your pelvic health is well looked after during this time. There are several ways that your pelvic health physiotherapist can help you during your pregnancy. 

Your pelvic health physiotherapist can help with…

Optimising your pelvic floor function. 

Regardless of how you deliver (vaginal vs caesarean section), your pelvic floor should be just as functional either way. It is essential to be able to contract and have a strong pelvic floor, as well as being able to relax and lengthen your pelvic floor. This ensures that your pelvic floor stays functional, as well as being able to relax and lengthen during labour and birth. 

Your pelvic health physio will assess your pelvic floor and give individualised guidance, treatment and exercises. This might include developing awareness of your pelvic floor, or specific exercises that work on effectively contracting or strengthening your pelvic floor. They may also help you with downregulation of your pelvic floor or teach you how to push or “bear down”, which is very important during labour. Your pelvic health physio will also address any other related symptoms or factors that may have an impact on your pelvic floor e.g. the way you move or breathe, use your core reduced mobility. 

Preparation for birth 

There are so many ways that a pelvic health physio can help you prepare for birth. This includes education around:

  • Birth options and preferences e.g. risks and benefits of mode of delivery or type of intervention 

  • Pain management techniques for labour 

  • Birth positions that are useful during each stage of labour 

  • Perineal massage and other pelvic floor preparation 

  • Breath work and downregulation 

Addressing any pelvic health or pregnancy related conditions

Your pelvic health physio can help you with:

  • Pelvic girdle pain 

  • Abdominal separation 

  • Pregnancy related pain or niggles such as back, hip or wrist pain 

  • Pelvic health conditions such as incontinence, constipation, pelvic pain or prolapse 

Giving guidance on exercising during pregnancy 

As you continue to move and exercise throughout your pregnancy, you may like more guidance regarding the way you exercise. Your pelvic health physio will give you advice and further information as to what is appropriate for you, taking into account you, your pregnancy and the exercise that you enjoy. If you require changes to your exercise, your pelvic health physio will also work with you to find the right modifications so that you can continue. 

Written by Kelly Jones Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist, Melbourne Pregnancy and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist.  As a new mum, Kelly is particularly passionate about supporting mums through their pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey. Follow the link to book in with Kelly today!