Depression is experienced by up to one in ten women (10%) during pregnancy and one in seven women (16%) in the year following birth. The prevalence of anxiety disorders is estimated to be even higher (up to 20%).
This article (open the blog post for link) examines the challenges faced by new parents that are often undisclosed due to societal pressures about what parenthood should be like. The article also highlights new research around the importance of social support and connection for new mums and dads alike who both face unique challenges in their roles as parents.
If you or a friend or loved one is suffering from a perinatal mental health condition we strongly suggest getting in touch with PANDA who are a fantastic organisation dedicated to the mental health of parents in the perinatal period. or call the helpline on 1300 726 306.
COPE are also another fantastic resource - dedicated to assisting with the enmotional challenges of parenthood